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2. For MGS4, she said IF it happens, it'd be released 6 months after the PS3 one.

Konami have already specifically stated that it will not appear in 08. The wording they used meant that it could appear sometime in 09 but unless the PS3 version gets delayed into oblivion the exclusive window will be much longer then 6mths.

Konami are planning to ship the game in April in Japan and US according to their latest statement. It's the EU version that has caused the problem, that won't appear until June and Konami wanted the game all in the same fiscal year so because of the issues with the EU version, the Japan/US versions got hit with a delay as well. But all going to plan, it's a small delay for the US/Japan.


Anyway, ask her about a FFVII remake. I still think that S-E have something planned, just too much hype surrounding the game and the fan demand is insanely high.