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Now I will say that I am no game critic by any means.  Sometimes I think that reviews go way to in depth talking about things that the average gamer like me could care nothing about.  I picked up the Zapper like I said before and was really impressed with the construction and the feel before ever playing anything.  Then yesterday and today when my sister-in-law and her husband came down for thanksgiving we broke out the game to give it a go.

First of all the game is very nice to look at.  Yes, it is not HD, but the recreation of the different areas in Twilight Princess are done perfectly and the colors are very nice.  The presentation is very nicely done.

Secondly, the game is just fun.  The four of us sat down and played for over 2 hours and had a blast taking turns playing.  We have not even unlocked anything yet and there is a lot of boards here to unlock, but we were having so much fun learning the opening boards.

Thirdly, anyone can play this.  My wife who has not played much Wii stared playing and really scored well her first time, then this morning my father-in-law who has never played a video game before enjoyed playing it and actually did pretty well.

Fourth,  it is very easy to play game, but there is a lot of challenge to it.  Accuracy plays a big roll in point tallies and it is very hard to figure out all that you can shoot and trying not to miss at all to jump your score way up.

Fifth, this game is only $20 and comes with the Zapper!  Do not get it at Gamestop, they hike it up to $25, get it at Walmart or Bestbuy.  It is only $20!!!  This game is incredible at this price.  No one should pass this up at this price point.

There are some thing that I wish were different, like I wish that there was a way to play the stages with no time limit to try at ultimate accuracy, and I wish that there was some more accuracy things like more head shots and certain hit points on objects and so on, but these things are minor.

Conclusion:  This game is awesome, and at the price of $20 with the Zapper, this is a must buy for any Wii owner. It is challenging for single player and it is fun for multiplayer.  This is the shooting game missing in Wii Sports and is the companion to it perfectly. 


Well I hope that some one finds this helpful, get the game, you will enjoy it. 



My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?