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You can get component cables and go up to 1080i for $15 (my component cables work with PS1/PS2/PS3/Xbox/360, but they're gamestop branded so who knows how long they'll last).

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend going with ones in the stores unless you can find them cheap. The last time I saw (which was a month or two after the PS3 came out), the official PS3 HDMI's were like $60. A local supermarket (Meijers) had an HDMI for around $25 (I think 6ft too). However, I bought the two 6ft HDMI cables we use at home for the PS3 and the HD cable box from for $10 each ($15 after shipping).

Compared to getting the monster brand ones where it's like $99 for freaken 3-6ft. . . ugh...