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Well there are a lot of persons that believe that muslim people are all extremists But that is very far from the truth. I believe it has more to do with the country's culture than the religion itself. There are a few muslims in my country (Venezuela) and I see them all accepting that girls dress the way they like to dress, I also have muslim friends that party with me (although they don't drink alcohol) and they are very peaceful persons.

In my belief, it's the culture from some middle east and african countries that makes a few groups of muslim (because I'm sure the great majority of muslims there are also peaceful) be extremists wanting to destroy the western world and hitting their wives (casue they can have more than one). I remember reading a story about a man who almost killed his wife in Iran just because he cought her alone watching a TV show where a man appeared, and I don't think a religion could teach you that killing your wife is a good thing...