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*~Onna76~* said:

Not sure if it already has been posted, but here are the first 2 scans of "Fragile":

(pictures here)

Pretty amazing if you ask me, for a moment I thought it was a PS2 / PS3 RPG, since the game looks so... "serious".

The game takes place in the future in where light has been disappeared, but the moon still is around. Also the main part of the world civilization has been vanished and replaced for cold and dark evil mist. The mainpart of the game is being played by "Seto", a boy which travels around the world in the search for the people who have left and especially for a mysterious girl. You carry around a flash-light and wooden / metal tools.

Remote is mostly used to use the flashlight and tools. You use the flashlight, to look through the mist in search of enemies or any people and to solve puzzles. So far unsure what part the Nunchuck will have in the game.

I saw that too (IIRC in and I'm seriously drooling!

PS: Oh god, Soriku is on his Wii again...