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KylieDog said:
Boutros said:
KylieDog said:

It would have been 9.5 if not for the fact that post-release patches have ruined the multiplayer.

Day one I could play Plunder easily but then they did an update that grouped every single objective based game into one menu, forcing you to either keep quitting from matchmaking to XMB then relaunching game or playing a game mode that you do not like.

Then to make it worse they released a patch that gives you a $40,000 point fine if you disconnect from a match or game lobby once vote has finished in any form which can also cause you to lose levels.

Quite often matches will not make it past the loading screen if someone else quits during the load, leaving you no choice but to quit to XMB or else it stays on loading screen forever, when you retsart game you'll get punished that $40,000 because it still counts as quit.

In co-op when someone else leaves the games ends, 50/50 chance it will punish you $40,000 even if you were not the one who quit, another problem is you start co-op them someone goes AFK and you cannot progress and eventually you'll have to quit yourself, terrible easy form of griefing.

I find that for every $1000 I earn about $500 of that gets fined for quits that I did not willingly do, or even at all.

Other issues

- Freezing bug still in chapter 25...they know about it, 3 updates yet still no fix?
- Lame skill ranking system
- Melee sync online is poor
- Poor matchmaking system

There's now a playlist with only Plunder. Just so that you know.


They do that with last fridays update (new map)?  The point remains for other game modes though, too grouped and the vote sometimes gives the same game mode for both options.   It is the 40k penalty that is the real cause for drop in score though, ND site full of complaints about it.

Yes I think it came with the last update.

I, myself, really don't have any issues about the 40k penalty. Games are usually 10 minutes long anyway.