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fazz said:
Roman catholic... but not very traditional.

I don't go to church unless for a social event, I believe in contraceptive methods and sometimes I can't stand the way the church handles itself and it's crowd.

I do believe in God... but I think he hates me. He does bad things to me :(

I'm kinda in the same boat you are...

I went to church every sunday as a kid because I had to, but not so much anymore, now that I'm in college.

I believe the catholic religion really needs to start keeping up with the times. I hate that they still don't let priests get married or women be priests.

I do believe in god, but I'm not so delusional to think that what I believe is right and everyone else is wrong. I'm too much of a thinking to fixate on one belief. Just thinking about how insignificant we are and how small our world that we know, could be just a tiny piece of this huge universe, is baffling. I'll be the first to tell you that there are holes in the catholic religion and christianity as a whole, but the same can be said for all religions.

I think many people just want something to believe in, so they have something to work for and look forward to after death. I guess it's just comforting to believe that what you're doing has a purpose and that your life isn't completely meaningless.

I also believe that religion is a very clever way to keep crime down. I mean if you think about, if everyone had the mentality that, nothing good is to come and that being good has no purpose, there would probably be a lot more crime in this world than there already is.

I also kinda like the idea of incarnation. It's kind of a cool idea that when you die you just start over in a new body without any conscious knowledge of your past life.

wow...sorry for rambling guys...