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chubaca said:

1.-X360 is dominating in the USA
2.-Average income in the USA is much better than the average of the rest oh the world
3.-Comparatively, games in the USA are cheaper than most of the world (if not the cheapest). I have to pay between 50% to 100% extra money to get the same games/consoles/accesories/etc.


Do the freaking math.

2. Thats certainly not the reason. Sorry if I have to disappoint you but the US sallary is not the highest in the world. Its very high it ranges in the upper areas but there are countrys which have a lot higher income then the US.änder_nach_Bruttoinlandsprodukt_pro_Kopf

You can see here that if you go just by the dollars USA ranges at Place 15 (left chart) if you count with the international dollar its on place 6. International dollar is a hypothetical currency that has the same purchasing power the Dollar had in a given point in time.( I just noticed that favors the US because the dollar equals the same dollar 10 years ago but the dollar has lost a lot purchasing power so the left chart is the right one)

Which is very good but its not far away from the countrys below that and you dont have to forget that the USA has almost as much Billionairs as Russia and the most millionairs too so the statistic is pretty tainted. You can see thats no argument. 

That the games are cheaper might be a reason. But the truth is that in Europe (outside of UK ) Videogames are not as big as in the US. The market grew over the years and it will grow even more in the future but at the moment videogames dont play the role as it does in the US,Uk or Japan. A lot of people are still PC Gamer here. The market will develop in the future in europe. But 50-100% is just wrong. Ofcourse the Dollars weakness make it seem that its expensive. Its certainly more expensive in some Areas like Australia or Brasil but in Europe its not that bad. Especially in UK is everything cheap. But for example a 299 Euro Console is for people here is almost like 299 Dollar in the US. So it has everything to do with the fact that Videogames are bigger in the US then in Europe. And in Japan its mostly handheld gaming. So ofcourse Xbox360 has an advantage but the PS3 will catch up and will get more and more sales this will lead to higher software sales.