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I'd have to give the game a 9.

The single player was just a phenomenal experience, it was leaps and bounds ahead of it's prequel. The gameplay also was much more polished, the train level was a PERFECT example of how well done it was. The single player was fun and has a good amount of replayability. After you have beaten the game on Crushing there are still little challenges to do kill "X amount of people with Y gun". This makes the game well worth the 60 dollar price tag the game doesn't even need online to get be great.

The online is fun, but it's not a game you can fly solo with. If you are going to enjoy the online, play with friends who have mics it will make all the difference. Since the game is so heavily reliant on team communication(if you play Objectives only like I do) that is what holds it back from being awesome, since you can't just pick up and play online like you can with some other games.

PSN ID: KingFate_