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The term "HD Twins" has been thrown out there in regards to the PS3 and 360.  While one can argue the quality of game graphics are similar, and that they both are being beaten by the Wii.  Well, as I see it, it is close to pointless to call them Twins:

1. Neither 360 or PS3 fanboys are going to ever give the other system its due.   Both will claim their system is CLEARLY superior, and to say they are alike is an insult.  Is there a PS360 coalition somewhere for whom grabbing over 50% marketshare among the two is critical?

2. Did anyone ever bother to call the PS2 and XBox and Gamecube "Tripplets"?  Just because systems are similar in specs and capabilities, doesn't make them "Twins" or "Tripplets". 

3. And how does the Wii make anything different?  Because it is different to a larger degree than is historically normal from competitors?

And let's talk a second about all these predictions:

1. How the heck does one even know what companies have coming down the pipelines that will be game changers?  Natal may or may not be it.  And who the heck can say that "hardcore" gamers will flock to either Natal or the PS3 wands?  Is it suddenly better graphics going to make the Wii approach more appealing to the "harcore"?  I hear the arguments how the Wii is embarrassing and not fun to waggle.  Now high def graphics makes the control mechanism more appealing?

2. And what exactly do you win if you are right?  Do you even get an image you can add in your profile for being right on?  Maybe it is a monkey at a typewriter?   Is there some award ceremony party you get invited to?  Or, do you get some cookies?  If you win cookies, what flavor cookies?

3. And what do you win if your console of choice comes in second?  I said SECOND, because I want to see anyone who can argue that the Wii will be surpassed with a straight face.  Straight face here also means not one that looks like you are a raving partisan lunatic.