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MontanaHatchet said:
Now johnlucas, when you say RE5 exclusively for Wii, you mean a spinoff, I trust?

Like Parokki said, 2009 is a long way away.

Perfect Dark Zero had screenshots at Spaceworld 2000, a Nintendo event. It along with a host of different Rare games were set for the Gamecube. In the end Rare went to Microsoft & none of those games showed up on a Nintendo system.

You've seen the industry yourself over decades. Surely you know it's not unprecedented for things to change on a dime. Who saw Monster Hunter 3 coming?

Like Rubang B says it's the pro wrestling. Pro wrestling can teach you much about life by the way. Little known fact. Swerves happen all the time in pro wrestling, swerves happen all the time in business, swerves happen all the time in real life.

Remember the SSBBrawl swerve after Reggie said so adamantly that the game will be out this year on December 3rd? He named a date and all. And what happened in the end? Pushed back. Just like Metroid Prime 3 was pushed back from launch and pushed back one more week after that. Just like PS3's worldwide launch got undone with the PAL launch pushed back. Just like MGS4 & FF XIII got pushed back and pushed back again. Push 'em back. Push 'em back. Waaaaaaay back!

I said it clear as day. RE5 will see light of day on Wii and will be made with Wii in mind. And there could be a chance that it may be exclusive. That all depends on what Capcom wants to do. But it will show up on Wii.

This week's Japanese numbers only prove the viability of Resident Evil/Biohazard on a Wii system. Sales are raining all over Umbrella Chronicles.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot