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PalmiNio said:
CGI-Quality said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
CGI-Quality said:
PalmiNio said:
Zucas said:
Yes I'd also like to say kudos to Sony. This is truly a huge success of marketing and advertising that has been absolutely superb. I mean this is one that I'd write down in the books because it is textbook execution. Other companies might want to take notes.

Are u Kidding me?

Putting the product in a position where you have to launch a new revision at a lower price with the result of negative profit of the hardware.


Is that how you define Textbook Execution?

Which company should take notes?


- Textbook execution is when Nintendo manage to millions of DS and even after 4 year keeping it alive by launching new revision with small upgrades at a larger price.

- Making a console with a pricetag that took 3 years to change, and even with 50 dollars of the Wii sells with a profit and in huge numbers.


Nintendo is the fucking teacher and the creater of the textbook that you are talking about, Sony and Microsoft are sitting in the back crying and begging to even break even with all their money spend this generation.

You know as well as I do that there was no need for such a post. Speaking of textbooks, or "things to learn from", go read the forum rules for VG Chartz.

No its perfectly good reason for a post like that, Sony is losing tons of money, people need to realize that all they are doing is taking massive losses to gain marketshare, Nintendo and even MS are making money

I wouldn't expect you to think otherwise unfortunatley. Regardless, the post was uncalled for, particularly because ofwho it was garnered towards. It's sad how some of you wouldn't be happy for certain brands/consoles no matter how good they do because of personal bias.


Well I have nothing against the sales of PS3 and the PS3 Slim. Love the product and it is a good buy for the consumer.

But when people are bragging about how great Sony has done with the Slim combo pricecut, then i wonder where the sense of business is.

Correct me if I am wrong, but has there ever been a console that got a new hardware revision that was launched at a lower price then the old model?

PS3 slim sales a great but the come with a hefty price, aka NO HARDWARE PROFIT. Both MS and Sony is dancing on thin ice with their race down in price. That race is good for us but chance that PS3 will ever break even in its lifetime is now more or less 0%. 3 years since launh and still no profit in hardware and the division as whole can barley make profit even with two other machines with profit, PS2 and PSP.

So no kodus to either MS or Sony. They do great machines but their sense of business is really bad.

The only winner in the end, both in numbers and in the books, will be Nintendo.

So with 30% of a consoles life you can calculate its chances of being profitable? And a company shouldn't slash prices with a redesign even if it allows them to lower costs?