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50 Reasons why Britain is better than America
Objavil Maša dne 25.06.2007 v Življenje nasploh

1-Britain has a ‘Great’ in front of it’s name, America doesn’t.
2-Monty Python
3-British comedy, not only is it generally funnier, but it doesn’t suffer from the curse of overly sentimental mushy gushy moralistic endings and characters
4-You can’t get a decent cup of tea in America
5-The Full English Breakfast, ‘nuff said
6-Britons have a greater grasp of sarcasm, irony and self-deprecating humour
8-America as it is wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for Britain
9-Patrick Moore
10-London, with all its shoe-shines and delightfully cheeky cockney chimney-sweeps
11-Bowler hats
12-The phrase “that’s just not cricket!”
13-The traditional British pub
14-The unpredictable weather, which keeps things interesting
15-Every great villain in anything ever has been British
16-Winston Churchill
17-Driving on the right side of the road, by which I mean the left
18-The Loch Ness monster
19-We have lovable Irishmen, Welshmen with…their…err sheep, and….the Scots
21-We have a stiffer upper lip
22-We produce wonderful loonies (see no. 9)
23-Americans have their oh so old great monuments, most of which my house is older than
25-We have a cooler accent
26-No matter how hard the Americans try, we’ll always hate France more
27-We had a glorious empire, whereas America is still trying to acquire one
28-James Bond
29-The monarchy, love ‘em or loathe ‘em at least we have one to love and loathe
30-The fact that we beat back the insidious Hun. Twice.
31-Black pudding and jellied eels
32-The word ‘urchin’
33-The convoluted British legal system
34-Police truncheons (invented by Sir Henry Truncheon in 1762)
35-Sherlock Holmes
36-British engineering, the best in the world
37-We can pronounce simple words like ‘aluminium’
38-Monacles (see no. 9)
39-We have a better national anthem, America sing about a flag, we use the power of song to ensure the Queen’s safety through divine intervention
40-British words, especially curse-words, e.g. arse, wank, bugger, codswallop, poppycock
41-Dr. Who
42-In Britain high treason is still punishable by hanging
43-John Cleese
44-Cheesy ‘70s BBC sci-fi shows, always a good thing
45-We’re not so lazy that we feel the need to drive when going round our neighbours house
46-Greenwich mean time, the basis of the world’s time, is situated in Britain
47-We have our place names, rather than stealing others and putting ‘New’ in front of them
48-Wallace and Gromit
49-Freddie Mercury
50-Me ^_^