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Black-and-white vs. color environments is a great idea; satisfying explosions; generally good voice acting.

Eluding Nazis gets tedious; the story isn't fleshed out well; your effect on the world is very minimal.

ut while the combat and destruction portions of playing as the Saboteur are fun, the story and effect you have on the world are disappointingly underdeveloped. Without spoiling too much, I'll just say that the story is cliched to a point where no surprises exist, and it's full of characters that you never quite give a crap about. It's sad how little your actions affect the world; despite giving people the "will to fight," wherein the world around Sean changes from black-and-white to color as the Nazi presence diminishes, you won't suddenly see the resistance actually fighting soldiers in the street, nor will the Nazis fully vacate "liberated" areas. If this concept of changing the will of the people had been more fully realized, and if the story hadn't been so forgettable, The Saboteur could've been pretty fantastic. Instead, it's less of a swan song and more of a pop single: catchy at times, but ultimately not something that will stick with you.