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KingFate said:

Are there any girls you like in any of your classes? If so just go up and talk to em, you will never know if you don't try. Rejection may happen, but when it finally does work it will feel even better.

I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now. Maybe a fling. I'm not going to be here come next year, so I don't want to commit myself to anybody and potentially have to be away from them for a year(I'll be studying abroad in Japan come next October). Also, I've never not been rejected by a girl, and the tally is now 9 unique girls 14-16 different times.They all tell me that I'm really nice and cute, but I just don't do anything for them, I guess. Young women want someone that's fun and exciting(usually), and I'm not exciting in the least. I can be funny, and I'm a good friend, but girls don't just go for nice guys that can make a few good jokes. Also, I have no body to speak of, and that doesn't help.

Also, finding girls that fit my standards is difficult. It's far more difficult to find girls in my standards that like me. The last girl that was within my standards that liked me was underage( 16 and I was 18) and my parents recommended that I not go out with her. The only girl before that...well, let's say that we were already "dating" but not in a relationship, and a mutual friend gave me faulty information about her cheating on me with another guy. It turns out she wasn't, but I didn't get the information before I chewed her out for all the times she had previously fucked me over, and that this was the last straw(I hope that made sense. Earlier that year she had chose another guy over me that was, honestly, a total jackass.)

All in all, I've been led on by alot of girls that probably never had any intention of going out with me. It'd be a lot easier if women just told me "I have a boyfriend, I'm not interested" or just "I'm not interested" the second I start talking to them.