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^And again you miss the point that the developers being passionate about their work and believing they're contributing to a piece of art is totally independent from your evaluation about what is art or what is a good game.

Please note that when I talked about Kubrik I called him a craftsman, not an artist, even though I certainly think he was an extremely talented artist. Exactly because what is art is not the point here. What the author wants or thinks is needed is.

And no, SOTC wouldn't be possible on PS1 - as in it wouldn't be the same game even if you were to try and reduce it to that tech. Just like 2001 is a different movie if you watch it in a proper theater or on an iPhone screen: the way it is delivered can only be altered so much from what the author intended originally before you can't even call it the same message or experience.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman