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So the PS3 sold about the same as the 360 this week. Let's look at each territory to see what will likely happen in the coming weeks:

USA - both the PS3 and 360 will get big boosts (percentage wise) in the coming weeks, but the 360 will probably widen the gap since it's outselling the PS3 by a large amount. Example - if sales of both increase 30%, 360 will add 46.5k to its weekly sales, and the PS3 will add 26.1k only. Get my point?

Others - the PS3 is outselling the 360 here by a small amount, but last week the 360 closed the gap a little, so the 'Others' region seems pretty neutral on this regard.

Japan - PS3 sales are likely going to decrease due to the end of the sales spike from the new model. 360 sales will remain more or less at the same levels (they can't go down much after all ), so PS3's advantage here will decrease.

Conclusion - in terms of weekly sales, the 360 will most likely start widening the gap more and more from now on.


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