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LordTheNightKnight said:
"Can't you ever admit that there is people who might think that there's something else relevant and interesting in gaming than what you personally like, or even than what is the more mainstream sentiment?"

Being in HD somehow makes it more interesting or relevant? Bigger, yes, but also more expensive. That's not art. That's a need to make art flashy.

And where exactly did I say that they are more interesting or relevant because they are in HD? The right context:

steverhcp02 said:


But i do think there is really a large chunk of stdios and devs that simply aim to make games like bioshock, uncharted, gears of war, alan wake, heavy rain etc. that really just have a huge passion for the art of what they do and the things that make those games great just simply arent possible on the wii technologically, not a knock.


Avinash_Tyagi said:

Except those games aren't the greatest ever, not by a longshot, so the argument that they are passionate about the art doesn't really hold, now if you say they are graphics whores, who need the crutch of HD then you have an argument

So basically, Avinash is saying that since he thinks those games are not "the greatest ever", it means that the authors are not passionate about their job and are just "graphic whores". My quotation meant that those developers might have different ideas about what is relevant and interesting, and insinuating that they are faking their pasion is insulting. As for judging if the technology - and nowhere I'm talking about HD only - was useful or even necessary to deliver their vision, that's for the users and critics to judge by means of playing and examining the finished game. For most of the games indicated by steverhcp02 - not all of which I actually like - I'd say that yes, the technology was needed to deliver the experience.

BTW, being dismissal about all visual technology as if it was needless orpels is a silly generalization for a medium that is first of all visual. When used by talented people graphics are able to convey storytelling, to suggest a mood, to communicate. When Kubrik adapted special lenses for naturalistic candle lighting in Barry Lyndon, when he absolutely wanted 2001 shot in an extra-wide aspect ratio, when he used the newfangled steadycam to chase actors in Shining, was he being a "graphics whore"? I'd say he was simply a craftsman that was not afraid of being very picky with technology because he knew what he wanted.


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman