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As an experienced call center agent, if I got this in my ERMS system, I would of laughed at this.

I feel sorry for your loss, but your out of warranty and really have no business asking anything from Sony or any other company, yes it may be cold and harsh, but one must realise that once the warranty and grace period is over thats it, at the end of the day the company has completed their agreement with you and it effectively ended 13 months after the date of purchase...I seriously don't understand why people think they have any rights once the warranty is over.

I feel for you cuz I love my PS3 and would hate if it broke down, but I understand that once my warranty expires along with my grace period that I have no right and essentially have to buy another one if I want to, that's just how things are, it's just the reality and one you have to live with.

If it's with in warranty, then I could understand, in which case you have every right, again you would have every right in the grace period, but that's essentially it.

Your attempts would just fall on deaf ears.