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I say this thread was made up by someone who already had a 360 in mind. You say you like RPG's but not FF would suggest you already know a lot about video games. And if you know a lot about video games then, you would already know that the 360 has lots of FPS. How about listing some of the games you play on your PC or replying to some of the posts. I would be equally skeptical to anyone that created a thread saying they really liked motion controlled games but couldn't decide what system to buy.

Anyways if this isn't a bogus post, I have 3 FPS for my 360. Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas, and Halo 3. Gears of War was the only one I really enjoyed, and the online for it was really fun. The other two I'm selling. Rainbow six (played about 3 hours). Halo 3 (played about 1 hour). I'm not joking. I'm also selling my Metroid Corruption for my Wii which I also did not complete. I guess I am tired of FPS. I am keeping Gears because I use to have a lot of fun on it and hope those days might come back.