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360 or ps3. if you want online for 360 be prepared to pay 50 a year, it has more features and more players online but both have at least competent online. ps3 has blu ray which is nice but not a necessity. ps3 also has built in wireless which costs a decent amount if you want that for 360.

rpg will definitely end up ps3, since japan doesnt like 360 so those devs wont really make it for 360 without big financial incentive (like publishing for mistwalker). dont bank on huge amounts of 360 rpg. in fps it should be close to a tie, but that depends on which fps u like more, halo3 or kz2 and resistance. racing games is easily ps3 with f1, motorstorm, and gt. pgr and forza might be good but they cant really compete.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.