HideoK said: Of course we can't always go by those ratings though. Majority people there rated Modern Warfare 2 at a 7 & 8. There are also a lot of 6's. I say if you couldn't expose weaknesses against the juggernaut AI in the spec ops environments it could be a 4. But I dont think it is, a 3 seems more reasonable. I would even say its a 2 if it wasn't for spec ops verteran because single player veteran was very easy, especially compared to COD: World at War. The trophy guide platinum indicator is a good way to judge too, except with a game that sold millions more I would expect to see more platinums since thats all people are playing. Over half of my buddy list still plays MW2 regularly. Only two people playing Dragon Age Origins. Anyone play Call of Duty Classic yet? I hear its extremely hard! No health regen, (back in the days of health packs) and checkpoints wont save if your health is too low. One of my friends is about to give up on veteran difficulty. For anyone who didn't get the hardened edition it releases to the PSN next week and it has a platinum trophy. Call of Duty Classic might be a 4 star. |
Ps3 trophies guide isn't based on how many people got the plat but on what percentage of the people that got a trophy for a game got the plat , and keep in mind we're talking about people that bothered registering on a site that tracks trophies so it is skewed troward trophy collectors...
Sure Dragon Age isn't MW2 but still probably will end up selling 2-3 millions units acrross 360 and PS3...
In the end I would put Dragon Age at 3 stars....