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Yeah, must be just their stores.  I expect the overall JP top 10 (new releases) to look pretty close though...

  1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (2m+)
  2. Final Fantasy XIII (1.8-2m)
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (500-600k)
  4. Mobile Suit Gundam Vs. Gundam NEXT Plus (400-500k)
  5. Phantasy Star Portable 2 (300-500k)
  6. Tales of Graces (250-350k)
  7. World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 PSP (200-300k)
  8. Samurai Warriors 3 (150-250k)
  9. PowerPro Kun Pocket 12 (150k-200k)
  10. World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 PS2 (150-200k)


...the only real wildcard is PokePark imo, which could be absolutely HUGE or just fizzle entirely.  I really don't know what to expect, it could be another sneaky 500k seller or it could just get ignored and not crack 100k.  Neither would really surprise me.

I think WE Playmaker has an outside chance of doing better this year too, since it's releasing alongside the PS2/PSP versions (rather than MONTHS later) and gets a CCPro bundle.  Might even get to 100k again.