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donsterydo2 said:
Porcupine_I said:
donsterydo2 said:

And now I wonder, how long Sony will have to sell PS3 under the cost of production and what M$ will do to turn the tide for their adventage, is it possible that we will see next year an Arcade for 100$ and Elite for 200$ ? 2010 will be a funny year to watch

i don't think Microsoft will make a pricecut, even if they could.


i believe they want to keep the price the same until natal launches, and then do a stealth pricecut by offereing it bundeled for the same price.


otherwise if they do a pricecut now, they would probably have to raise the price again for natal, and king customer does not approve of price hikes.


that said, it might be possible sony has turned things around now, they might be able to do their own pricecut when natal releases.


But they are selling PS3 still under the cost of production and they stated that they will make PS3 profitable in fiscal year 2011. Another price cut in 2010 would mean no profits for PS3 industry.

........................................ 2010, not 11