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I don't think either will be successful, but it has nothing to do with the console itself or the idea. Video games at this point are a business that as been fined tuned to stomp out all creativity and simply make money. Natal and wand are both a risk, and since they're HD consoles the risk is much greater than on the Wii in terms of production time and price.

The Wii is successful because Nintendo is developing games for it, they threw in their lot with motion control gaming and planned the whole thing out from minute 1. It doesn't make them marvelously visionary beyond that, but with natal and wand you have to look at the rest of the game industry.

For the most part developers are not a creative bunch. Why else do we have formula shooter #56,288 coming out this generation instead of seeing new genres or some real leaps in gameplay? They have a safe little money bubble for themselves and nothing is going to pull them out without a lot of kicking and screaming. I'm willing to bet 99% of the games that are developed using motion controls will probably have it as an option right along side the traditional gamepad.

I'm not saying natal and wand aren't great ideas, I think natal is fascinating personally. I just don't think the video game industry in its current form allows for much movement outside established money making methods. Natal and wand will be poked by the game industry like moneys to a monolith, but that's about all there's going to be this generation.

I mean hell, the Wii has almost 50% of the market, and it's way cheaper to develop for and third parties are STILL afraid to put some real effort into that console. Can anyone name a AAA non-Nintendo title for the Wii? (no rehashes or critical bombs) I mean a genuinely great Wii game that's not made by Nintendo. That damn console is free money with some effort and a bit of creativity, but the industry has devoted neither.

That should tell you all you need to know about the fate of natal and wand.