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Alexie Di Onie said:
Sqrl said:
Alexie Di Onie said:
This thread fails so hard...............

You know how many hours of time and practice is necessary to learn a realy intrument? The expensive equipment? It would take years to learn the easiest song on Rock Band with no prior music knowledge, to just pick up the video game and start rockin out is a pretty cool experience. It isn't a guitar hero clone (plus the guys who made this game made guitar hero). If this game is pathetic, by your logic everyone who plays an Army game should go enlist and kick some real haji ass in the real world. Or everyone who plays Madden should really try and go join the NFL.

As I said you fail, and this thread fails..........

Wow there is so much wrong with this post.

- Playing in a rock band is not life threatening like being a soldier. - FAIL

- Playing football takes athletic talent, years and years of conditioning and learning formations/plays, and on top of that you have to either be in the top 0.001% of players or extremely lucky to play pro. There are currently only 1696 roster spots for the entire NFL. Realizing that you have to compete for a specific position on a team you are basically in a position where you have to be in the top 100 to 150 people in the world at that position to get a job....that is an extremely exclusive club. - FAIL

There are good reasons why there is a difference between becoming a Rock Band and being a Soldier or NFL player. I won't say there isn't a lot of effort in learning instruments but at least that is something that anyone can learn...and for the record you can get a good amp/guitar for the price of Rock Band, you don't need a microphone to sing, and the drum set would definitely set you back a fair bit of cash..but buying a drum set is a hell of a lot easier than completing basic training and getting shot at...or joining the NFL off the street.

Both of your examples are things a person cannot just decide to do...starting a rock band is something anyone can try to do. And provided they are willing to put in the effort they will have a legitimate shot...not a gaurantee but shot.

PS - I agree with your conclusion though, I just think the real answer is that Rock Band is for people who don't want to form a band...they just want to feel like they are in a band when they have free time and go about their lives during the day without having to worry about "the band".


Ugh let me finish my reasearch paper and then I'll point out the flaws in your argument

 lol, did you just say "I'll show you....."?

Either you can respond to it or you can't. Which is it? 

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