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I assume eugene meant US only for DS software, because elsewhere the DS is the software master (and hardware too in fact)

Yes there are very few points anyone could use to determine the Wii or 360 as a failure thus far, or indeed the DS.
With the 360 you could argue it still hasn't properly entered the Japanese market and hasn't really set many PAL regions on fire, but then in Japan at least it is doing considerably better than it's predecessor (not sure about PAL yet...seems about the same i think)...Also you could argue it could have been a much bigger success without the RROD.

The Wii possibly has even fewer negative points, those being the poor early (though now considerably better) third party support, and erm, maybe the lack of storage but i don't think that can really be considered a point to determine less success.....And again a point that could have meant even greater success is the supply issue.