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Train wreck said:
donsterydo2 said:

And now I wonder, how long Sony will have to sell PS3 under the cost of production and what M$ will do to turn the tide for their adventage, is it possible that we will see next year an Arcade for 100$ and Elite for 200$ ? 2010 will be a funny year to watch

Nice MS damage control, you've been at it all afternoon.  Good humor though.




That's no damage control, I'm just curious if such amazing PS3 sales will push M$ to do something drastic.


I'm not one of those fanboys that was telling that PS3 has no chance to sell more, actually my prediction was 400k for X360 and 500k for PS3 (and i got that one right).


Next update we will see: PS3 550k and X360 250k And that would be hilarious :-p