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Masssive LOL at Microsoft bleeding out Sony XD, man thats some funny stuff :)

Didn't Sony announce some 700 million dollar profit amongsts all its divisions this year on TOP of R&D losses for Cell tech, Blu-ray, PS3, and Oled? Sony has too many roots to be "afraid" of Microsoft, if anything I'd say microsoft is heading twards the pickle, theif OS is losing market percentage, zune ... be honest, do you own one >_>? Seriously guys if Microsofts goal is to "Bleed out" sony's PS3? Then why bother trying to boot out a hardware company >_>;;; this is the road they pave, the ps3 just happens to be on the way. When microsoft wises up and stops putting out a shoddy product, I'll think about giving them more credit. But hell until then -_-

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.