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1. Even acknowledging for a few more exclusives on 360, it's clearly not close to PS3 exclusives in quantity and quality.

I still don't understand why people would think 2 or 3 studios can compete with 20 studios on the long run. It puzzles me. It was obvious from the start who would have the most exclusives on the long run.

Yes MS bought a few timed exclusives, but when they went to PS3 in improved versions (ninja gaiden, tales of vesperia, bioshock, star ocean...), it made the library gap only more obvious.

2. It's not a minority at all. The warranty never extends beyond a few years. In my country legally it's only one year, for example. Then all you can do is buy another one.

I have tons of friend who bought several 360, I don't think it's unusual at all.

3. yet PS3 sold more from launch year after year in aligned sales (you have trouble understanding that apparently).

Year 1 PS3 sales after PS3 launch > Year 1 360 sales after 360 launch

Year 2 PS3 sales after PS3 launch > Year 2 360 sales after 360 launch

Feel free to check.

If launch date doesn't matter, then among console nowadays PS2 wins easily. Either way the 360 is dead last, like in weekly sales worldwide by the way. Your choice.