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I have plenty of friends that love Macs because they think they're 'cooler than PCs'. It's almost like a small fad or something in the past few years. It's also a part of the 'shiny effect'. You know, like the people who went out to buy a Slim, even though their older PS3 was working great and they didn't need the hard drive space; but bought it because it was shiny (my father did this haha).

Personally, I would never even think to buy a Mac as a gamer. Also, I've NEVER had a problem with Vista, and I'm running a single-core, though I have 4 gigs of ram. Though I have noticed it eat away at my memory more than I'd like, it has never caused any issues, and it has never crashed even once. I'm still going to pick up 7 at some point though.