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ethomaz said:


**Edit 2** - with even more data coming in, PS3 is actually closer to 500,000 units for the week.

PlayStation 3 unstoppable .

Now PS3 WW week like more 750-800k with over 250k to 360.

PS. Wii down to 750k (lower than last year).

where the hell are you getting this data from? i can see 400k? anyway i knew the ps3 was under estimated! 400k seemed too low! i think its underestimated in europe aswell! thats sonys hardcore territory. ifor instance if the ps3 sold 150k on a normal week in america then you can bet your ass in europe it sold double that! take last week, ps3 sold 140k in america and only 190k in europe? whats up with that!! im thinking closer to 250k!! theres going to be alot of edited data after december.