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After completing Super Mario Galaxy I finally had the chance to sit back and not play games for a whole day and thats when I noticed that the last 4 games I bought, pre-mario, are all FPS! Bioshock, The Orange Box, Halo 3 and last of all Metriod Prime 3!

The last few months some of the most awesome FPS have come on to the market but I have to say I have started to feel a little jaded and as such Mario felt all the more fresher.

It seems like FPS have become the gaming bread and butter much like platformers where during the 90s and I though maybe it was something to do with technology coming to a point that many devlopers imaginations could finally be realised.

What are everyones elses thoughts? :)

call me Aaronbunny!

Wii code: 6993 4542 2457 6182. plz add me Im a wiily gd friend