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Lets assume the Xbox 360 does come in last place this generation but its still a much closer 3 horse race than last time, it sold better than the original Xbox , finally becomes profitable, and still manages to have the largest console based online community. Now lets say the Playstation brand comes in second, beats Microsoft with a huge presence in Japan where Microsoft failed to penetrate, and  overall out sold the 360 by 30 million WW. But all this came at the cost of losing considerable market share compared to the PS2, they never made a profit, and the format war is still in a stalemate.  This is a very realistic possibility so all people obsessed with total units sold and a way to determine the "winner" is wrong. More units doesnt even equate to more software sold sometimes as looking at the PSP which now has an installed base of 30 million but never has games entering the charts. The 360 ,with only 13 million owners , sells more software than all these other systems like the DS, PSP, PS2 and so on. In my opinion, the Wii and 360 are complete successes no matter how you cut it especially if you compare it to the last generation.