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Sony: they are awfully slow releasing things, they do not accept international VISAs, ps3 was to expensive. the lack of vision for home or the PSN (thats changing with sony online though but i still dont have access with it, without accepting my visa!). xgame chat should have implemeted along time ago! in 3.00 same for ps2 emulation (even it's not perfect should be there in a way even it's just a VGA Box with no upscaling or antialiasing.

Nintendo: the lack of zelda, their main focus on profits, and small support their core gaming while it's there it have taken sec-third on their importance list and halting features like their online and VC store.
while i think profits are important they are making billions!, billions they have done too little to improve those features.
as for development the wii it's to console gaming what intel integrated graphics are to PC, they are chip to produce and kinda does the job, but going too cheap have cost them third party to put their games in other consoles and release just casual games mainly (like flash games for PC). Except PC doesn't have nintendo games. while the fun factor it's there, they could have spec the wii better, so they could at least get ports, and still be able to profit and some way slowing down the adoption of HD games.

microsoft: where to start?, in gaming, their lack of first party support, their console exclusives made of third parties (bungie, epic,valve), actually the studios that made their first parties are third party now. their "we are breaking the bank" PR to get third parties isntead of helping them in development, their software and hardware reliability it's lowest in the industry.