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You must remember, it's Christmas, or near it. Since we're oh-so close to it, attach rates for some games don't go bannanas.

In the case of the PS3/360/Wii attach rates, it's pretty simple. The PS3 and Wii have a few select games that are going to be hotly selling, since the systems are so new. Assassains Creed on PS3, Super Mario Galaxy on Wii are the "must have" games of the season.

For the X360, the picture is vastly more muddy. Halo 3 is huge, but so many people have already bought it. Likewise, if you look at the charts, there are tons of older games stealing alot of revenue/unit sales from the bigger games. Heck, Viva Pinata keeps increasing sales week after week (went from not charting to almost 10k/wk sales in 3 weeks). So when you have a base that has alot more games vs. 2 bases that don't...The attach rates are going to be much higher.

The same can be said for the DS in Japan. No game has ever had insane attach ratios lately....Few games have done over 300k. But that's because the userbase is so huge, they are going out and picking up 2-3 other games before they get to the "must have" games. The must have games will still do great, but it's spread out over a long period of time.

Gears of War was the same way last year - it had a great attach ratio for the X360 because it was the holiday "must have" game (I think it was a 15% attach rate vs. SMGs 10%?). Some of the multi-ports were that way too.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.