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So you won't take my word, Nintendo's word, their E3 briefings, their Iwata Chat sessions and other data on the facts but you'll accept Maelstrom's word that it is a response to Sony?

Several developers were included. The main reason many were not well versed prior to the E3 briefing was the development tool SKU was not completed yet. And as we know being secretive, even to developers, is Nintendo's nature. Balance Board, Vitality Sensor....did/do you see developers announcing a dozen projects based on those prior to release? No. And we know both are ideas that Nintendo has been kicking around for years.

If you are still not convinced, then do tell me how in the world could Nintendo rig up the entire development history of WM+ as a response to Sony given both were announced (WM+) or first rumored (Sony MC) less than 2 weeks apart (June 2008)?

The rEVOLution is not being televised