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100% agree with this thread, we're all going down a road were videogames are not games anymore but trendy things to do and make sure people now about it.

Years ago we played games because we like them, now if you're playing any game that it's not one of the hot ones (halo3, heavenly sword, Assasins Creed type of hype) and you share your experience with the rest of the community your degraded to loser, idiot, moron and casual.

When did it all go wrong?

We used to play games for fun, now we play the games that we're supposed to play because it is meant to be cool.

And about casual gaming...

to my understanding, a hardcore gamer is the one that takes a game, and plays it for hours and hours during months, so he'll be able to improve or get a higher score (Fighting Games, Driving Games, good platformers... even Tetris)

Casual is the type of player that plays games because its cool, not because he enjoys improving his skills or get a higher score, playing a game with a simple game mechanic, story driven, where the only thing that you have to do is going from A to B and watch the next cut-scene (I really consider The Darkness a very casual game for that)

But for some reason, now Tetris is casual, and The Darkness is a very hardcore game.

I don't understand it.

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