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So you already have a Wii? What games do you have, aside from Sports and Galaxy that are in your profile? If that's all, then there's a lot of Wii games you could get like Super Paper Mario, Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess, RE: Umbrella Chronicles, Zack&Wiki, and Trauma Center. There's also the Virtual Console, and lots of accesories like Gamecube controllers that you really don't need, but they're always nice to have.

If you already have, or can borrow a substantial amount of those, then I'd probably go for an Xbox 360.

The 360 vs PS3 question depends entirely on what you like, but I would argue that the 360 currently has better exclusives, and it's going to stay that way for the time being. You'll get a lot of differing opinions on this, but Metacritic has zero PS3 exclusives rated 90+, while there are six 360 ones. I'm biased due to having such a raging hard-on for Mass Effect, so you should probably watch a few reviews of the best exclusives, and decide what you want the most.