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Dodece said:
Your question is this should you enhance one experience, or choose to diversify your experience. Honestly in the long run diversification is a greater enhancement then over investment. Owning both consoles gives you a greater exclusive library, and your going to have access to possibly over ninety percent of this generations library. Further more you get more varied experience. Each of these consoles provide vastly different experiences.

That said you would probably get more long term gratification by purchasing a 360. You will have so much more content to work with. Honestly the value is there if your looking for a more powerful experience. Only multiple console owners get the entire range.

Finally if your a die hard Nintendo traditionalist. I will be brutally honest your not going to find much in the library beyond what you have for the next few months. While others might list some good titles. They will hardly have that Nintendo sparkle you are looking for in your Wii games. Often they will be ported games, shovelware, or extremely niche. Next year should see half a dozen fantastic first party Nintendo titles, but for the rest of this year the well seems to be bone dry.

Pick up the 360 now, and see what you want there. Then come back to the Wii in a few months for Mariokart, and Smash Brothers. After they are out you might have another gap in which to play a game like Grand Theft Auto, or Lost Odyssey. Were you to do it just right. You could always have a must have title every month, and some months even two.

You were fine until then.  Wii actually has plenty of good games coming out... that may not have that nintendo sparkle... but neither will the 360 games.  It also likely has a good number of games he might want that have already come out, since he's considering spending 500 dollars on wii games.  I know i have 12 wii games myself and there are 11 more already released games i'd like to get.  It's really the one thing that's kept me from getting  a 360 as i see no need to buy a second console when i already have plenty of games i'm interested in i've yet to buy because i've yet to get through the games i have.(well that and i should be moving in with someone with a 360.) 

It's just fiscally irresponsible to spend a lot on a new console when you still have plenty of games on your old console you want to get.  Those great 360 games I want to play are going to still be out there... and they'll be cheaper when I do.

Of course when that's someone else's money... Why not play with the house money and get the new system?  The point of a gift is to spoil ones self even when it isn't fiscally reponsible.