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edit: F it, I am not in the mood to start a fight over this, it just isn't worth it...



The real answer is this, look over the games you are interested in on the 360 and on the Wii. Decide which group of games interests you more. Its really that simple. You should ask for some help on which games are worth looking at and then whittle that down to your list for each console. From there you can make your choice based on your tastes. It sounds like it might be a close call for you =)

Also if you have a decent PC you are likely in a similar situation to me where most of the 360 games are coming to PC anyways. So consider that if it is applicable, but keep in mind your ability/willingness to wait, some people have a hard time waiting it out so this may not apply to you. Just be honest with yourself here.

To Each Man, Responsibility