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I really don't see MS as much of a threat.

-Look at how many markets MS has. What is it 4? Windows, Office, Zune, XBox?

-Now look at how many markets Sony has. TVs, audio, Movies, Music, transformers, phones, robotics, video formats, etc. Heck they even own the patent for the lithium battery.

In my opinion Sony loosing the game business is good, no one company should be able to film movies, produce them, produce a soundtrack, produce a game and a system to play it it, make a TV to show it all on, make speakers to play them, and make a disc format and flash memory format to sell them on. The only company more widespread than Sony IMO is GE, and while thankfully GE is playing the nice guy, Sony is out there aggressively trying to spread into more and more markets with more and more proprietary technology.