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You need to take the prescribed dosage. You do realize that every manufacturer wants to accomplish this noble goal. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo want the same thing as much of your entertainment dollar as they can get. You know who controls my living room right now its a little company called Time Warner. Let me tell you something they are real good at bleeding me for every cent they can get. They control my cable, my internet access, and my phone service. Relax it cannot be all that bad right. Well yeah it can they also make movies and television series. They want to choose my movie format for me.

Honestly I damn well welcome Microsoft to bring their aggressive competition into my living room. Since I am oh so happy giving Time Warner over a hundred dollars every month. I already have a monopoly hanging over me. I could use some good old fashioned aggressive competition. Go for it Sony and you too Nintendo. We already have monopolies in the front room they are called cable companies, and dish networks.

You act like Microsoft is doing a bad thing. I need Microsoft to compete thats a wonderful way for me to get better service, at a far more reasonable price.