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ssj12 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Sony is bleeding pretty badly, when this generation started, I was worried about Sony as a threat to the Wii. Now I see the 360 is the only real threat to the Wii despite its no market in Japan.

I think most Sony fans have wisened up and realized the 360 is their best bet this generaiton.

dear god your starting already.. 360 is horrid.. all the consoles suck.. PC RULES ALL!!!

 Haha, now thats what I'm talking about.  I'm hoping the Wii wins out and all consoles turn away from being PC like to get more of the "hardcore" gamers to come here.  PC gaming isn't even expensive anymore, in fact its cheaper than console gaming now (Console+HDTV+$60 games) where as PC games drop down to $20 dollars within a year of release and we can get a good PC for cheaper than the console+HDTV combo.

 PC has FAR superior controls as well. 

 But back on topic... I do think Microsoft could kill Sony if they wanted but everyone pretty much already has, I don't think the PS3 really has any chance this generation.  Microsoft is probably concerned with making profits right nowand then killing the PS3 can always come later.

PC Gamer