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Bomberman2008 said:

Both Games sold less on PS3

Check Weekly sales then total

Sorry guys to shit on your parade

COD4 - Xbox 360 - 774,981/PS3 - 308,887

Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360 - 585,064/PS3 - 226,177

playing with numbers... Using VGs numbers of console sales /  game sales:

Worldwide 360 PS3
Console Sales 12579950 5934506
Call of Duty 4 1510000 740000
1 game per __ consoles 8.33 8.02
Percent of consoles 12.00% 12.47%
Assassin's Creed 930000 490000
1 game per __ consoles 13.53 12.11
Percent of consoles 7.39% 8.26%

The percentages aren't that far off.  If I use the worldwide game sales from the game title page the PS3 is selling the games a little better, but I could not find precise numbers like the consoles below:

And why does this page state the number of 360s at 12,579,950 but the main page has 13.37 million?  (I used the lower number here even though it made the 360 look better)[]=X360&reg[]=Total&start=38704&end=39404

The PS3 numbers are consistant:[]=PS3&reg[]=Total&start=38704&end=39404

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting: