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It's strange to think how much has changed.

Back in the NES and SNES days, life was so much simpler.  I picked out the game I wanted based on its cover, the color of the box, and what it said/showed on the back.  I'd walk around the store reading the back getting more and more exciting.  The games weren't that sophisticated back in those days, but they were fun.

By the end of the SNES era and the beginning of the N64 era, life wasn't quite so simple.  No longer could you touch the game and look at it.  Games were locked away behind giant glass/plastic cases.  If you wanted a game, you had to ask for it or take a little slip of paper that told the cashier what game to go get.  There was no more browsing, no more "looking." 

Something happened between those two eras.  Back when I could pick up a game, look at the box, and read it... I never regretted a purchase.  I knew just by holding the game if I was going to like it.  Once they became locked away behind closed doors, that magic disappeared.  Hesitation appeared with purchases.  Was I going to like this new game I was about to get?  I think would like it.  Maybe. 

When I was younger, reviews were meaningless to me.  My eyes, my hands, and my instincts were by far and away better indicators of quality than any review.  Today, in a world where I can no longer feel the game I'm about to get, I can only rely on my instincts and while they are quite good... they're not perfect.  Sometimes reviews can help that a little bit.  Sometimes numbers can reinforce the beliefs I already have.  Now, I will never rely on reviews especially in knowing that my taste is quite different than that of some.