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Hi All

@ Kwaad: Even though I don´t agree with a lot of what your saying I admire that you come here and try to explain where your attitude comes from. Most people would go to a fan site and have everybody agree with them, but you come here day after day and defend your opinion. In my humble opinion you don´t have to worry to much about this issue though, if low buget party games do start dominating the market kapitalism will kick in, blockbuster games have been making good money till now (maybe to good), if that market is undersaturated again many developers will see that there is too much competition in the low-buget market and that "epic-games" need more attention. Companies will not to abandon their millionsellers because of a trend, the Wii is fantastic for getting people used to gaming, but once these new gamers have liked blood they will want more complex games, I´m pretty sure Nintendo is following exactly this plan,Step 1. get everyones attention(complete),Step 2. get everyone addicted(in progress), Step 3. keep everyone addicted, Step 4. Profit. Step 3. is expecially impotant since nobody expects people to play minigames forever. 

Oh and I don´t thing we have to see gaming as a race or a war, it´s more like a tree with the same roots and multiple branches, just because some of it is not for you it doesn´t mean what you like is threatened. Just stick to your favorite branches and enjoy them. Sure in some time we will see that company A made XXX mil. while company B and C only made XX mil. but none of us made or lost money, sure we all like to be on the winners side and get the most games but as long as we get the games we love we all win.