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Darendt is simply employing a neat trick that it's impossible to penetrate.

I could just as easily state that (in my opinion) the PS2 has no good games. If you were to bring up any of the PS2 enormous variety of quality titles -- be it Metal Gear, Okami, Final Fantasy, Shadow of the Colossus, Grand Theft Auto, or any other -- I could just say: "I don't like those games, they're puerile." And what can you do? It's just my opinion.

In effect, anyone at any time can insist that all of the games on any particular system don't appeal to them, and that's a totally unassailable position. There's pretty much nothing you can do but reply: "That's just your opinion."

And that's what I'll do -- darendt, this is only your opinion. A good deal of people -- most likely the majority -- disagree with your assessment.">">