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The last part of your post there... You made the best decision of your gaming life. I used to think EGM was cool and gave the best reviews. I let them dictate the games I bought for my system. However I discovered that I liked alot of games they gave poor reviews and didn't care for some that they gave good reviews. It was about the time that Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2 came out side by side with Champions of Norrath that I lost all faith in the magazine. I read their reviews for both games and couldn't understand why they would complain about something in one game and not the other. (To many fetch quests for instance) I decided from that point on Reviews be damned I'm going to buy/ play what looks interesting to me. Not let other people tell me what to buy. Also though and this is most important you have to remember you and the guy doing the reviews may have totally different tastes in games. So really Reviews aren't worth reading unless your trying to get an idea of what a game is like and there are no other sources.

Boycotting the following:

1. Yoshi: He ate my car and spit out a toaster.

2. Igglybuff: Totally false advertisement. You can have as many as you like they don't buff nothing.

3. the Terms Hardcore/Softcore... We're talking Video Games. Not Porn.

4. The term Casual as relates to Gamers: We make them sound like outsider's that happen to play games.  If that were the case they'd own a PS3.

5. Donuts.... Beacause I drink Beer...... and the biggest fan of Donuts hates Beer.

6. Boycotts: Their so lame.