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NJ5 said:
Does anyone really expect Fox News to be fair and balanced? I've never been to the USA, but if I've been hearing things correctly, only a very deluded individual would expect them to be unbiased.

You may have correctly heard people's opinions about Fox News.  Whether those people are deluded, Fox News viewers are, both or neither has nothing to do with the opinions you've heard.  I will say that I've read and seen news stories from various news sources on topics that I've got some knowledge on and been very disappointed with mistakes, bad facts and biases (willful or accidental) which would cause readers/viewers to draw the wrong conclusions.  That makes me wonder about the validity of the stories I don't know much about.

I had a whole diatribe about the news media, but screw it.  I say, make up your own mind, but always consider the source.